Super Silver Haze, affectionately known as “SSH” or “SS Haze,” is a sativa-dominant hybrid with a pedigree that’s nothing short of legendary, combining the best of Skunk, Northern Lights, and Haze. Celebrated for its uplifting and enduring effects, this strain is a top pick for sativa lovers who want to kick back, relax, and float away on a truly cerebral high.
The high from Super Silver Haze is like a lightning bolt to the brain—quick, intense, and impossible to ignore. Right after exhale, you’ll feel an uplifting, stoney wave take over, sparking a surge of energy that’s perfect for unleashing your creative side. But don’t get too comfortable—this energetic buzz soon morphs into a hazy, blissful headspace. As the high spreads, it seeps into your body, encouraging you to get moving without stirring up any physical discomfort. Perfect for when you want to create without the weight of the world holding you down.
Super Silver Haze delivers a classic flavor experience, combining spicy herbal notes with a sharp, sour citrus exhale. The aroma kicks it up a notch, infusing the air with a skunky twist that mingles spicy herbs and zesty citrus for a bold and invigorating sensory delight.
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